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标准编号:B16G101-3 标准状态:已作废
标准价格:267.0 客户评分:星星星星1
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16G101-3 Drawing Rules and Standard Detailing Drawings of Ichnographic Representing Method for Construction Drawings of R.C. Structures (Spread footings, strip foundations, raft foundations and pile foundations) is the revised version of 11G101-3 Drawing Rules and Standard Detailing Drawings of Ichnographic Representing Method for Construction Drawings of R.C. Structures (Spread footings, strip foundations, raft foundations and pile foundations). According to the updated versions of codes GB 18306-2015 Seismic ground motion parameters zonation map of China, GB 50011-2010 Code for seismic design of buildings and its partial revision in 2016 and GB 50010-2010 Code for design of concrete structures (2015 version) et al., considering feedbacks from engineering practice and need of practical projects in recent years, contents in the drawing collection have been systematically revised, and details of cast-in-place concrete piles are included in this version.

This drawing collection is applicable to the construction drawing design of all kinds of cast-in-situ concrete spread footings, strip foundations, raft foundations (ribbed and slab) and pile foundations.
There are two parts in this drawing collection: drawing rules of IRM and standard detailing drawings of commonly used spread footings, strip foundations, raft foundations (ribbed and slab) and pile foundations made of cast-in-situ concrete.
英文名称:  Drawing Rules and Standard Detailing Drawings of Ichno graphic Representing Meth od for Construction Drawings of R. C. Structures(Spread Footings,Strip Foundations, Raft Foundations and Pile Foundations)
标准状态:  已作废
发布部门:  中华人民共和国住房和城乡建设部
作废日期:  2022-05-01
起草单位:  中国建筑标准设计研究院有限公司
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Contents 1
General Instruction 4
Part One Drawing Rules of Ichnographic Representing Method
1 General Provisions 5
2 Rules of Ichnographic Construction Drawings of Spread Footings 7
2.1 Representing method of ichnographic construction drawings of spread footings 7
2.2 Numbering of spread footings 7
2.3 Ichnographic annotation method of spread footings 7
Example of construction drawings of spread footings using IRM 18
2.4 Sectional annotation method of spread footings 19
2.5 Others 20
3 Rules of Ichnographic Construction Drawings of Strip Foundations 21
3.1 Representing method of ichnographic construction drawings of strip foundations 21
3.2 Numbering of strip foundations 21
3.3 Ichnographic annotation method of foundation beams 21
3.4 Rules of the length of discontinuous longitudinal bars at the bottom of foundation beams 24
3.5 Ichnographic annotation method of strip foundation slabs 24
Example of construction drawings of strip foundations using IRM 27
3.6 Sectional annotation method of strip foundations 28
3.7 Others 29
4 Rules of Ichnographic Construction Drawings of Ribbed Raft Foundations 30
4.1 Representing method of ichnographic construction drawings of ribbed raft foundations 30
4.2 Type and numbering of members of ribbed raft foundations 30
4.3 Ichnographic annotation method of primary & secondary foundation beams 30
4.4 Rules of the length of discontinuous longitudinal bars at the bottom of foundation beams 33
4.5 Ichnographic annotation method of slabs of ribbed raft foundations 33
4.6 Others 35
Annotation of primary foundation beams (JL) and secondary foundation beams (JCL) 36
Annotation of the slab (LPB) of ribbed raft foundations 37
5 Rules of Ichnographic Construction Drawings of Slab Foundations 38
5.1 Representing method of ichnographic construction drawings of slab foundations 38
5.2 Type and numbering of members in slab foundations 38
5.3 Ichnographic annotation method of slab strips under columns and slab strips at midspan 38
5.4 Ichnographic annotation method of the slab (BPB) of slab foundations 39
5.5 Others 40
Annotation of slab strips under columns (ZXB) and slab strips at midspan (KZB) 42
Annotation of the slab (BPB) of slab foundations 43
6 Rules of Ichnographic Construction Drawings of Pile Foundations 44
6.1 Representing method of ichnographic construction drawings of cast-in-place piles 44
6.2 Tabulated annotation method 44
6.3 Ichnographic annotation method 45
6.4 Representing method of ichnographic construction drawings of pile caps 46
6.5 Numbering of pile caps 46
6.6 Ichnographic annotation method of independent pile caps 46
6.7 Ichnographic annotation method of pile cap beams 49
6.8 Sectional annotation method of pile caps 51
6.9 Others 51
7 Drawing Rules of Detailing Related to Foundations 52
7.1 Type and representing method of related detailing 52
7.2 Drawing rules of ichnographic construction drawings of related detailing 52
7.3 Others 56
Part Two Standard Detailing Drawings
Environment classification of concrete structures Minimum concrete cover 57
Basic anchorage length lab, basic anchorage length labE of tension bars in seismic design and the inside diameter of hook D 58
Anchorage length la of tension bars Anchorage length laE of tension bars in seismic design 59
Hooks and mechanical anchorage types of longitudinal bars Stirrup detailing in the lap zone of longitudinal main bars Splice of longitudinal bars 60
Lap length ll of longitudinal tension bars 61
Lap length llE of longitudinal tension bars in seismic design 62
Detailing of hooks of closed stirrups and tie bars Overlapping stirrups in the foundation beam Lapping detailing of non-contact longitudinal bars 63
Detailing of vertical distribution bars in walls anchored in foundations 64
Detailing of developing longitudinal bars in boundary elements to foundations 65
Detailing of developing longitudinal bars in columns to foundations 66
Reinforcement detailing of spread footing slabs (DJJ,DJP,BJJ and BJP) 67
Top and bottom reinforcement detailing of double-column normal spread footings 68
Reinforcement detailing of double-column normal spread footings with foundation beams 69
Detailing of reducing length of bars by 10% in spread footings 70
Detailing of single-socket and double-socket spread footings 71
Reinforcement detailing of high-socket spread footings 72
Reinforcement detailing of double-high-socket spread footings 73
Reinforcement detailing of single-column spread footings with short columns 74
Reinforcement detailing of double-column spread footings with short columns 75
Reinforcement detailing of strip foundation slabs (Ⅰ) 76
Reinforcement detailing of strip foundation slabs (Ⅱ) 77
Detailing of strip foundation with different slab base elevations Detailing of reducing length of bars by 10% in the foundation slab of strip foundations 78
Detailing of longitudinal bars and stirrups in foundation beams JL Detailing of additional stirrups Detailing of additional hangers 79
Detailing of foundation beams (JL) with two arrangements of stirrups Reinforcement detailing of foundation beams (JL) with vertical haunches 80

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